There's amazing right? yes?? If you say no, that obviously means you're an old cynical bag head.I saw the official "under pressure" video for the first time yesterday and i couldnt help but think I LOVEEEE THEMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!
I can't decide if i wanna adopt them or marry one of them.imagine how cool that would be for me to have some jedward babies, they'd probably be alien tapdancing babies but oohhh well , tapdacing babies would be epic.They can actually dance and the styling was on point and VANNILLLAAA ICE,if someone told him 10 years he would be doing a remake of his hit song with these two optismist annnoying twurps he would punched the person that suggested it. Soo this video i shown as prove and evidence that the twins(JEDWARD) are aliens or atleast part of the illumatti and eventually they WILL taken over the world with they're optismism and adorable ways.AHHHHHH HELPPPPPP!!!