20.02.10 WKWYDLN Clothing Launch Party

Alright amigas, nice to catch up , well not really but hope ya'll enjoying fashion week , basically my homie from another mummmiee Christopher james aka the founder of weknowwhatyoudidlastnight had the launch party on saturday for his LFW pop up space(in which up to 13 designers get to exhibit their work ranging from shirts to jewelleries) and their was free drinks soo i was like "BRO, IM DOWN,BRALAAPP" but seriously it was pretty awesome,,the music was on shizzle(djs: broken hearts kicked it) and CHRIS, I MEET URE PARENTS,they were AAAMAZINNNGGG! hahah. ALSO THE LIMITED T-SHIRTS WERE PRETTY DOPE! kudos dude! WHY IS IT IN EVERY PICTURE I HAVE SQUITING EYES??? but yous gotta love the russian hat yes? no? I dont care.

20 Beak Street, London, W1F 9RE, 10am-6pm Sat 20th Feb to Tue 23rd Feb
go go go!!!!

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