Yes thats me and i know what youre gonna say "you play violin??" ermmm nahh im crap @ it..my mate amie gave me(i never knew it was spoilt at this time)and i thought it be a good idea to take to hardknock wife (goldielocks monthly clubnight) as i didnt think ill; b bait.WRONG. they were soo much people thinking i was some next premature musician .hahahah..i even arrived with my businesss books n school jacket.*Silent bars*. i cant deny; it was really random yehh..what was i talking about..oh yehhh hardknockk
Some Mc guy i seem to remember his name he was amazing(he does jamaican when he spits) even though im sure his family grew up in hertfordshire..hah
Click here to see pictures from that night
our lil hardknock crew is just jokes...jamilah d diva(who secretly loves grime but acts likes just loves jack penate only),Ethan(who insists that we must leave hardknock & go to some funky house place..stanza??) chantell(the pretty designer with amazing leggings), Karim(the guys who changes his status every five minutes and his the bait pretty boy in the group...you kinda wanna adopt him) awwwww
Ps: Elias & Nilufiend just disappeared for like ages??? i thought u guys were lost .aha
Amie doesnt even care if she's on her ones..she'll still skank..i rate u meyhnnn
I met Gabriel green
aswell what a nice guy(he had an really lovely jumper) and we talk abit how crap my violin is & pretentious magazines and oh yeh click clack he takes peng photos btw...