Yasmin shahmir is also known as *drum rolls* dj yasmin is supersuper awesome and scottish but yeah she's a hip hop dj whose actually about to go on tour with eve. We talked about her musical taste,the london scene and her new club night.
You known as dj yasmin; how do u get into djing?
I've been djing for nearly 4 years, I've always enjoyed and collected music and always dug a little deeper than the average music fan. A friend of mine was a dj, I used to go along and watch him play, thought it looked easy I tried mixing a few times and when I got the hand of it he would let me play while he went for a loo break. Then I was allowed to do the warm up in the back room and from there it grew.
Soo what genre of music do you tend to delve in the most?
Definitely Hip Hop, Hip Hop came first, then R&B then Reggae, then Garage, Grime, B-More and now a bit of Dubstep when I can handle it. I'm a sucker for raps, lyrics and melodies, so I can't really listen to or play just pure beats or minimal vocal tracks like house/electro etc. Not my thing.
Do u think your style is influenced my ure music or its the other way round?
Well...My style is probably influenced by the 'I don't give a fuck' attitude you get from Hip Hop, but I wear what I like, sometimes I dress up, sometimes I dress down, heels, kicks, whatever I feel like.
What do you think of the london scene...apart from the occasionally divas?
I think it's a very vibrant scene, there's a lot of people making moves in all kinds of things from music to charity work to fashion to business and people are really doing well for themselves. The thing I hate though is that in London everyone has a negative opinion unless its you or your people doing well. People need to learnt to appreciate more. But hey, there's haters everywhere!
Spill the beans on your new clubnight?
Okk! So it starts on November the 1st and it's called "Bad Intentions" it's upstairs in a bar/pub called:
The Black Heart
3 Greenland Place,
It's going to be every Sunday night, it is FREEEEEEEEE! Starts at 7pm - 12pm, Old School Hip Hop Classics, Jams, House Party kind of vibes all round.
It's free and its not too late for you to get to work/uni the next day, it's right next to the tube station so really, nobody has an excuse not to come!
Whats your advice for aspiring dj's?
Play music that you love.
Don't chase the money, instead, chase the buzz you get from making a crowd go crazy, it's one of the best feelings in the world!
four eyed beauty??

I reckon you lot will still got out with her if she still looked like this???...yess u will
& on that note i need some hardknock again.

Yes thats me and i know what youre gonna say "you play violin??" ermmm nahh im crap @ it..my mate amie gave me(i never knew it was spoilt at this time)and i thought it be a good idea to take to hardknock wife (goldielocks monthly clubnight) as i didnt think ill; b bait.WRONG. they were soo much people thinking i was some next premature musician .hahahah..i even arrived with my businesss books n school jacket.*Silent bars*. i cant deny; it was really random yehh..what was i talking about..oh yehhh hardknockk
Some Mc guy i seem to remember his name he was amazing(he does jamaican when he spits) even though im sure his family grew up in hertfordshire..hah
Click here to see pictures from that night
our lil hardknock crew is just jokes...jamilah d diva(who secretly loves grime but acts likes just loves jack penate only),Ethan(who insists that we must leave hardknock & go to some funky house place..stanza??) chantell(the pretty designer with amazing leggings), Karim(the guys who changes his status every five minutes and his the bait pretty boy in the group...you kinda wanna adopt him) awwwww
Ps: Elias & Nilufiend just disappeared for like ages??? i thought u guys were lost .aha
Amie doesnt even care if she's on her ones..she'll still skank..i rate u meyhnnn
I met Gabriel green
aswell what a nice guy(he had an really lovely jumper) and we talk abit how crap my violin is & pretentious magazines and oh yeh click clack he takes peng photos btw...
Let play dress up.

I shall be posting more of lauren's work. partially beacuse of the amount of Peng-ness in her portfolio
Kickers+Lego=KIGO..well i think it does

I understand that; this is probably the best the come out from the shoes industry since converse, nike 1948...
Well kickers decided to launched a new collection(in october) for kids in colaboration with lego(land) and i just love it..it kinda puts telutubbies swagger to shame..dont you think? ehhh yess u do
but yehhh i tried calling the stores to see if they do adult size 6 and she was like "sorry,these are only made for children" arghh i hate you
but yehhh for any of my readers who may be under the ages of 10..i urge u 2 nag your mum to get them from you..i assure u, everyone in primary school or nursery will dig ure swag
& she was on him: boycrazy.
boycrazy in bed from alexi wasser on Vimeo.
Alexi wasser is a pure legend material..seriously(actually i joke) but she's pretty lovely aswell and really funny.she has this blog and its about all boys, fit boys, things boys will like,her dilemmas with boys ..u name it meynnnn..
.and i love this video aswell(the last 30 secs of the video is classic)
JD MEETS DC and he was like " lets throw a BIG fat Party".

Jean-Charles de Castelbajac aka jc/dc launched their first diffusion line; debuting the "Punkahontas and the Ducks" collection catwalked by kids pick from the street..well not literally.streetcasted..it was an open casting meyhnn.didnt u hear about it??? Parr!
I personally love the show..it was very vibrant and youthful especially with disney mickey mouse couture..very lady gaga-esque.
did i say i randomly spotted peaches geldof modelling ....i was like huh???
but it was great ..kuod...
i wish jc/dc good luck for the upcoming show in show..
the criics will be tough but come on...
its only a bit of fun.Pure optimism prevails in the words of miss bolle
(I would like to apologized to my readers who might have some form of epilepsy that these bright-flashy-pictures didnt really help ure condition. Im sorry)

Bassline/house by BearClause
Next Bumbaclart
Thursday 24th September @ Green Carnation, 5 Greek Street, Soho, London W1D 4DD
FLOOR by Felicitous Like Syphilis
Award for the best video/song...goes to..
Certified Merkerz - Stand For Our Name
Shamz just posted this song on twitter and i couldnt stop laughing..ive actually never seen a song this bad.Ok. I wouldnt call myself a grime head or i listen to skepta everyday but jheezzzzzzz.they kinda remind me of the tweenies, thats if the tweenies could rap badly and shop at mckenzie..hah
You know as im writing this post im actually listening to it on a loop..its actually not bad
the little kid that spits in the end..its well cute ..i wanna adopt him but dont get it twisted dnt do a "david cameron" and "hug a hoody" you will get punch.
FACT. yes the little kid will beat u up...dnt u get it:Certified Merkerz are the new blazin squad
Told you; i'll make you fall in love with me.
Sarah Hankinson is an illustrator from melbourne..whom i just like literally just came across her work like 5 minutes ago.She draws pretty girls (the occasional fit guy) but her stuff are striking yet feminine.They are also quite elegant ...reminds me of being a little innocent 7 yr old which i kinda still am.
check out her stuff : http://sarahhankinson.com/
horsing around

ohh yehhh i just remembered i was sent a award from one of my favorite fashion bloggers @ www.flowergirlfashion.blogspot.com which came with some questions n stuff
soooo answers had to be one word only.
- Where is your cell phone: kitchen(?)
- Your hair: black
- Your mother: friendly
- Your father: Tall
- Favorite food: chinese
- Dream last night: mystical
- Favorite drink: 7-up
- Goal/Dream: Degree
- What room are you in: lounge
- Hobby: Living
- Fear: unhappiness
- Where you want to be in 6 years: Happy
- Where were you last night: bed
- Something that you aren't: Rude
- Muffins: chocolate
- Wish list item: Him
- Where did you grow up: London
- Last thing you did: fell
- What are you wearing: bra
- Your tv: Scrubs
- Your pets: R.I.P
- Friends: cool
- Your life: exciting
- Your mood: lost
- Missing someone: Adma
- Vehicle: waaa?
- Something you're NOT wearing: shoes
- Favorite store: Ralph
- Favorite color: blue
- Last time you laughed: Now
- Last time you cried: July
- Your best friend: Everyone
- Place you go to over & over: nottinghill
- Person who emails you regularly: blaise
- Favorite place to eat: Nandos
Soerensenis is not a ghost.remember that.

Birgit Soerensenis a Fashion designer based in east London.
MA in womenswear at Central Saint Martins, 2009
A signature that is tough but sensitive, bright but dark, light but strong
(ive just confused myself)
Topshop gave birth to unique. A/W 08

Well whatcha know topshop only just showcased they're new brand:UNIQUE at london fashion week.the vibe for the show was out of space..think star trek meets brick lane..Brap!!
mister fashionsta Princepelayo was there..soooo read his blog n ask him about it n shizzle.
Tips i need 2 learn for fashion week: WAKE UP EARLY!!!!
Excuse me sir, could you not drink that petrol?? thank you
i just remembered the story that was in the sun newspaper ages ago about some man that was banned from petrol ....well his local one....wait for it.......for drinking the petrol. yes. DRINKING THE PETROL
i mean c'mon!
The last time i remembered petrol was for cars maybe its the new thing now..i know..probably is
LFW 09-i'll be ure fairy godmother(well ill try )

soo tomorrow is the one of a series of parties during london fashion week; this one is orgasnised by pout founder michelle gibbs aka miggy.
Its also the launch of schoh magazine.theres gonna be free drinks,beautiful models,fit guys,tons of freebies aswell ..wooop woop
i wish i could go but im currently drained from the jc/dc party & a very long and tiring day @ brick lane...and also i have school on monday..loool
but if ure keen on going its at adam street near the somerset house
use my name it'll u get in which is, meech and if u wanna bring two friends use these names
Adele may and Amie wolfe...
Voila!!now u cam mingle with all the fashionstas and stuff
love u xxx

Theres no denying that movado's songs are racist,slightly misognist and a teeny weeny bit homophobic but apart from that his tunes are quite catchy and are bound to have you grinding and whining.
Heres my top three recommended tracks:
1.movado-so special
2.movado-Last night
3.movado-squeeze breast
for all u wanna b ganster kids out there;u can learn a lot from this guy.Much love xxx
Matthew Ames->silky->slinky-> F/W 08

Matthew Ames's show was elegant and just voluminous with the bold shouders and pretty cool silhoutettes.
Referenced in the show was vibrant colours such as pink and red alongside pure white and black dresses,
which felt kinda felted like you were in a five star hotel in dubai.Ames designs embodies luxury and that oscar ceremony feel.
I just loved the whole silky-ness futuristic vibe of this collection.
Jeremy Scott x Adidas
this collection is actually on point.also the video directed by nabil;is actually my dream filled with soo much optismism and joy.ahhhhh how much do i wish i was in this video!!
Leonhard Breglio: the boy who captured the beauty.

"the human face and the human being over
all are two of the most beautiful things i
Leonhard breglio is quite distinct potrait and music photographer.
his pictures mainly focused on the face(but quite pretty faces..haha)
check him out & his quite nice aswell : http://www.leonhardbreglio.tumblr.com/
90s smarties were the good days :)
90s were fun ....dont think?? obviously everyone sense of style was sheeettt but it was an alrite era you know.

Music Videos by VideoCure

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- Dj Yasmin : "Dont Chase The Money"
- four eyed beauty??
- Ermmm emmma dont throw a tantrum now..ok?
- & on that note i need some hardknock again.
- Let play dress up.
- Kickers+Lego=KIGO..well i think it does
- & she was on him: boycrazy.
- JD MEETS DC and he was like " lets throw a BIG fat...
- bumba-clart
- Award for the best video/song...goes to..
- Told you; i'll make you fall in love with me.
- Chani is gonna be beat me up for this but dayummmmm..
- horsing around
- Soerensenis is not a ghost.remember that.
- U wanna dance with me?
- 34=925u=H20
- siloooohooooooooouetttteeeeeee
- Topshop gave birth to unique. A/W 08
- Excuse me sir, could you not drink that petrol?? t...
- AA
- LFW 09-i'll be ure fairy godmother(well ill try )
- Matthew Ames->silky->slinky-> F/W 08
- Jeremy Scott x Adidas
- Leonhard Breglio: the boy who captured the beauty.
- 90s smarties were the good days :)
- You think you got it all worked outBut you dont kn...
- i want some chicken...mmmm ohh yehh daisy lowe & c...
- Fuck Me.ASH.
- Hedi Slimane : the man who liked black & white
- imagine getting paid loads just to draw exactly wh...
- Can u please Fuck Off with ure Fit boyfriend and u...
- will smithy smith
- Luella does granny chic