One word: Dayummmmmmmmmm..



Dobedo is a website;consisting of T-shirt designs from photographers,filmakers,musicians,clothing designers predominately independent artists working outside the mainstream to produce lovely shirts for you guys.
get more shirts like this for
Be there or Be Squared!!

NOOKI launch party
featuring artists from raw riddim Records.
Its tomorrow.(weds 26th of august)
7pm-12pm @ Clekenwell house (23-27 hatton road,London)
Freee Entry All Night
Free T-shirt Samples to give away
not to mention the other goodies from Front Magazine aswell
and ohh yehh (for the guys ) rumour is there's gonna be a few Front Girls there..haha
See you lot there....todddlesssss :)

Free Drinks.Hot stylish Girls and BOYS!!!!
and you chance to preview they're new sneakers collection before THEY go on sale.
Youtube has some fresh talent.
His cute right? well Duh!
well It is matt edmonson..the presenter for new music show
pockettv on youtube
the show is actually soo funny and full of sarcasm..for the past few days ive just been watching its shorts clips...mainly bcuz of matt..his style is is sooo cute aswell :)
if ure on youtube sometime and you wanna hear about new cutting edge music n non pretentious-like comedy...watch pocket tv
one day ill shall get a job hopely presenting ...(i can actually see the flashing lights with MY NAME in Bold)lol
Good times.
well i just remebered i went underage festival..I loved it...well im a pure optimist soo knowing me l would have still loved it even just one person turned up and was absolutely minging and rude ...lol

obviously the highlights was defintely caspa & rusko,mystery jets,JME and santogold(actually santigold..she's changed her name due to some legal copyright case.wtf?) but yehh it was cool ive seen soo many stylish kids ..i felt brought to b part of them..lool..i joke....
food was pricey(but kudos to corine for buying me the jerk chicken tho)...and i lost my phone aswellbut it was found by the hottest guy ever called Christian(he has the Pengest hair)

ohh no..i can see my cousins touching my clothes; in other words messing up my room..arghhh...ok i guesss thats a sign for me to go now...
WELL much love
My Short but pretty blunt guide to UK GRIME.
(irrelevant photo to this actual blogpost considering lil wayne is in no way or shape related to grime but his leng soo oh well)
Rap about living in the ghetto even though you're family are quite middle class and you own a house in Hertfordshire with a conservatory.
You must mention Ed Hardy in ure lyrics and yes Ed hardy trust me all grime artists own a shirt or 2.
collaborate with david guetta.
or just join forces with universal music to create an-overly-commercial-grime-song-with-electro-beats-that-are-sooo-cringe-worthy-they-kinda-wanna make-you-poke-out-ure-eye. "COUGHS" wiley...... (ROLL DEEP!!!!)
If you can manage to convert a kids nursery rhyme to a club banger with the added silly dance routine;you know you've reached the high hieracy of grime scene...ok i do like the head shoulder knees toes song..ill give that an exception