well seeming as London Fashion Week is approaching. i suddenly find myself gettin the bug
meaning the need to spot something new excited fresh AND just DIFFERENT!
Recently i discovered some undiscovered talent brewing..i think we might have found ourselves some really Pretty Darn Good models who can b TOP-MODELS. ive discovered some potential top models but :)
but heyy judge for yourself
i really think they have that unique edgy look that can benefit them in this comppetitive career you

*.MIss Mill

*. Miss Rae Evelyn

*. SweetGem

.* Sky Ferreira


and there's still more to come :]

and there's still more to come :]
BUt most of them arent full time models...
some dont even call themselves "models" in the words of miss jamilah "i just like to take pictures" but all i know they have a bright future ahead !!!
So i want you to remember these names cuz they could possible be the next...
Top models