Have you guys notice that there's been a rise of young n talented individuals?..Not to mention an emerging group of Brighton Kids who taking over the fashion/photography/art scene :)
well imediately three names pop to mind!
Louie Harris Frisk,15

Chani Ra Layzell,15

And the amazing Taylor Newman Bruce,16
Well lets get started with the only boy in this featured mr louie harris frisk…who by any means undoubtly is a great photographer who if u looks throughs his portfolio you automatically drawed in into his world of graffiti/fashion/friendship and youth.
He has been described as
A “raw talent”
"sharp _ fresh _ amazing"
“always exciting, original and bascially amazing”

Doo I stress he is a top designer aswell (his label is called mysteez btw ) and his part of the widely anticipated sweetspacenine(SS9) --- but ill write about that in another blog..lol
To find more about him and for bookings
or view his porfolio:
The second brighton kid to Burst to the fashion scene is Ms Chani ra Layzell
The self confessed fashion Junkie is a "Designer/Model/Dancer//Yout Of SweetSpaceNine/Gold Obsessor,…”
Her unique style and determination to make it Big is what sets her apart from everyone
Miss Chani ra already has her own label under the name of “House of It”

she is the only female in sweetspacenine collective which you’ll soon be hearing about(in 2009)

To find about this top designer :
or even buy some quality stuff from her check this out:
and now for the probably the coolest kid in brighton is the lovely>>>..
Taylor newman Bruce known on myspace as Tayluhhhmade

She’s the self made It Kid
Whose customises anything and anywhere
She dances/writes/models and is moving oceans in brighton already :]
Chances are youve met her!!! and ohh yeah did i tell you she kicks ass at editing :D
Her distinct looks and sheer talent is what obviously is what is gonna get her far in fashion industry.....
find out about Tayluhhmade:
welll enuff of me going on about these Brighton Kids who by the way are all under the ages of 18!! But dont say u didnt hear it from me when they take over the world!!! :D
tahhh dahhh